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Best Boston Area Instrumental Music Stores

[fa icon="calendar"] Mar 29, 2015 5:09:00 PM / by Diana Liechty

Best Boston, Somerville, and Cambridge Area Music Stores

A good local music store can be a life changing experience – when I was 10 I decided that the whole reed thing was not for me and therefore, instead of becoming a saxophone-playing child-star, I sought out my local music store to try out some other options. It was that trip that decided my fate as a not-so-famous, no-longer-a-child trombone player and I couldn’t be happier. When I got there, I must have tried out 5 different brass instruments (remember, reeds got nixed) before deciding that having a slide was BY FAR the most exciting thing I had come across, and that was that.



Where you can trust:

With these kinds of stakes, make sure you ensure the quality of your Boston area music store experience by hitting up these great local stores with various specialties.

1. Rayburn Music

Yelp site here.

2. Mr. Music Guitar Center

Yelp site here.

3. Steve Morrill Guitar Repair 

Yelp site here.

4. Guitar Stop

Yelp site here.

5. Mass Ave. Music

Yelp site here.

6. Boston Guitar Repair Center 

Yelp site here.


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Topics: instrumental stores

Diana Liechty

Written by Diana Liechty

Brassy Bone Trombone Teacher in Boston, Cambridge, and Somerville